peter parker ily


wren twenty infp aroace
middle eastern muslim she/her


pinterest twitter side acc


likes animanga, cats, gaming, roselia, pokémon, drawing, rhythm games, rainy weathers, otome games, star wars, spider-man, etc.
dlslikes dogs, ignorant people, constant fanwars, makima defenders, humidity


fandoms chainsaw man, jujutsu kaisen, star wars, dc, haikyuu, marvel, genshin impact, mob psycho 100, bang dream, the hunger games, attack on titan, the maze runner, noragami, ++ other.


(1) updates are extremely slow as i am a
college student (2) my replies in dms or discord are really bad as i am super tired/anxious and shy all the time lol
(3) i might write dark content such as, violence, gore, deaths, abuse etc. (u can check warnings in my fics!) but please dni if you glorify or romanticize content like these.


(1) basic dni criteria (2) sexualizing minors (aging them up to make nsfw content, etc.) (3) my work is for everyone but do not directly interact if -15/25+. (4) you think drama is always fun.
